An officer and a gentleman movie quotes clips
An officer and a gentleman movie quotes clips

I had to appear in court but luckily he didn't show up so it was dropped. He eventually let me go but I saw him fucking with his dash cam as I pulled away. He made me do a sobriety test and wasted as much of my time as he could, trying to intimidate me, even telling me to stfu when I explained again that there was nowhere safe to pull over and I had clearly slowed down. I said go for it but I'm sure that the cameras all the way along this road will show you that I wasn't speeding in the first place and you had no right to pull me over. I refused to let him search my car and he threatened to get a warrant. He gave me a ticket for going 20 over the limit (total crap, my car wasn't even capable of that), and defying police orders or some shit. He was throwing his weight around as best he could but he must have been new cus his voice was cracking and obviously he was embarrassed so wanted to take it out on me. He insisted that I tried to run even though I slowed down and told me I must have something to hide if I was trying to escape. I tried to explain that I was just looking for a safe spot and pointed back down the road at the lack of shoulder, telling him that people don't slow down on this road and we both could have been killed. Once he got out of the car and came up to mine he was shaking and freaking out at me. I even gestured out the window that I was pulling over but he continued to yell at me. It took me maybe 30 seconds to find a safe space to pull over and in the meantime this guy has started tripping out, screaming through his megaphone and turning his sirens on and off. This cop who was hiding started coming after me trying to pull me over, completely ignoring the ass who just sped past me and so I put on my blinker and slowed down, waiting for a safe spot to pull over. I sped up for a second to get away from someone riding my ass trying to push me to go faster, and was maybe 5mph over the limit. I once had a cop pull me over on the Jackie Robinson Parkway in NYC which is a ridiculously narrow road with four lanes, no shoulder, and people speed so hard on it that you're taking your life into your own hands for the 30 minutes you're on it. They make quite a few of us feel like we are in additional danger. I absolutely got a ticket as had irritated him beyond belief but maybe if he listened he took away from that encounter that cops don't make everyone feel safe. But I still to this day feel it was the right thing to do. He really didn't like it when I told him that part.


We were also taught in drivers Ed that some people could pretend to be cops and take advantage of you when they pull you over, so if possible we should make sure we are around other people where the incident could easily be observed by others. When the cop asked me wtf I was doing, I explained to him that I bc I was (at the time) a 17 yo female ( I'm still a female) I wanted to be absolutely sure I felt safe. The cop wasn't too happy with me but I didn't feel safe pulling over where there was barely any shoulder, so I got off at the exit ramp that we were pulling up to anyway, and kept my hazards on, driving at a speed that could only say, " yes I see you back there", and I finally stopped in a well lit mall parking lot. Yes I was taught this way back in divers Ed class and I used it years ago. r/trumproasts - for dunking on Donald Trump r/clevercomebacks - witty responses from witty people. If you are the target of doxxing, brigading, or other harassment coming from a submission in this subreddit, please message the moderators with a link to that post and we will investigate.

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    An officer and a gentleman movie quotes clips